We are a local club of Kiwanis International, one of the largest Service organizations in the world. Our Club is a great way to get involved in continuing to improve our community.
“Kiwanis is a community impact organization because it is…not just the simple service activity … but a part of the communities’ on-going improvement.” – Stan Soderstrom, Executive Director of Kiwanis International, ”
OUR CLUB MEETS WEEKLY ON FRIDAYS AT NOON (Except as noted in the Club Calendar). We meet at First United Methodist Church, 516 Kellogg, metered parking in the lot south of the building. You can also join by Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89297092559. PASSCODE 824302. Room opens at 11:30. Meeting at 12:00. Meeting ID: 892 9709 2559. Dial in 312-626-6799.
BE OUR GUEST. We’d be delighted if you joined us as our guest at one of our Friday meetings.
Member Since: 2023