AMES, Iowa – Ames Electric Services will host the sixth annual Smart Business Challenge Recognition Luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, at Reiman Gardens, 1407 University Blvd. Businesses are invited to the event which begins with a sustainability open house at 11 a.m., followed by buffet lunch at 11:30 a.m., and the program at noon. Ames Electric Services Director Donald Kom will present the keynote address, “How the Business Community Can Support the Ames Climate Action Plan.” The Smart Business Challenge is sponsored by Ames Electric Services to promote efficient consumption of electricity, but also to encourage Ames businesses to look comprehensively at reducing their carbon footprint and opportunities to support the City’s sustainability vision. Challenge participants complete a checklist that encompasses environmental, economic, and social sustainability components such as community engagement and volunteerism. The luncheon is open to any business interested in the challenge. There is no cost to participate, but an RSVP for lunch is required by Wednesday, Jan. 11, by emailing with the name of your business and attendees. For more information about the Smart Business Challenge, visit